All web pages, texts and photographs presented on the site and its subdomains (reports, blogs …) are the property of the town hall of Chéniers.
The presentation and content of the site together, constitute an original protected work by french laws in force on intellectual property. The Code of Intellectual Property considers especially as works of the mind, according to Art. No. 9 L. 112-2, “photographic works and those produced using techniques analogous to photogrphy”. The author alone has the right to divulge his work. Subject to the provisions of Article L. 132-24, it determines the disclosure process and sets the conditions thereof (Article L. 121-2 of CIP). Any representation or reproduction is whole or in part without the authorization of he author of his successors or assigns is unlawful. It is the same for translation, adaptation of transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any art or process (Article L. 122-4 of the CIP). This prohibition extends, without this list being exhaustive, to any editorial element appearing on the site: presentation of screens, texts, logos, photographs in particular.
The person who reproduces without the authorization of the author, a work to put it at the disposal of teh public commits an act of counterfeit. Any edition of wrting, musical compostion, drawing, painting or any production printed or engraved in whole or in part, in violation of the laws and regulations relating to the property of authors, is an infringement; and any infringement is an offense (Article L. 335-2 of the CIP).
Is also an offense of forgery, any reproduction, representation or dissemination, by any means whatsoever, of a work of the mind in violation of the rights of the author, as they are defined and regulated by law (Article L. 335-3 of the CIP).